Creative Workshop Using Art-materials, Metaphors, and Imagination
by Tracey Berglund
Date: March 19th, 2020
Time: 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Tracey’s PPT Presentation –
Suggested References:
- David Shrigley – ‘cartoonist’)
- Hanoch Piven – collage illustrator
- Paul Smith -famous British fashion designer who is also known for his distinctive ‘stripes’
- Web comic artist ‘Tommy Siegel’
- Rene Magritte – painter who painted the couple with cloth over their heads kissing.
- Fran Lebowitz – is a very famous sardonic New York writer who has opinions on everything and is in a Netflix series called, Pretend it’s a City- with Martin Scorsese-directing- her humor and often negativity is a REAL NY treasure
- Francis Picabia- is the surreal artist who made the blue portrait with matchstick hair
Art Materials
Workshop Memory –
Madeleine Barnes