It is almost October, and when 2020 started months ago nobody would guess how this year was going to unfold. Even in March, when Corona-virus hit New York, we did not guess for so long it would last. How many changes happened to us? Have us realized that? Is it possible to perceive these ongoing transformations that are taking place in every single level of our lives? The whole world is spinning in a huge transformative process, and yet, most of us have accompanied it from home. Unexpectedly, life, work, meetings, celebrations and losses were amalgamated in our homes. Every …
Bengi is a PhD Candidate in Environmental Psychology, at The Graduate Center, CUNY. With an interdisciplinary background and perspective bridging human development and environment, she advocates for young people’s meaningful expression and participation in everyday life, familial and local decision-making processes and social change at different levels. She researches and writes on children’s and families’ changing environments from geographical and sociological perspectives (Children’s Geographies; USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog; The Critical Childhoods & Youth Studies Collective; forthcoming in International Journal of Sociology of Leisure) and contributes to international research projects on immigration (in Qualitative Psychology). As a teaching fellow and adjunct lecturer of Developmental …
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